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If Black Magic Really Exists and Can it be Reversed? – Taara Malhotra

Black Magic Removal Specialist in DelhiIf Black Magic Really Exists and Can it be Reversed?

June 23, 2022by admin0

If Black Magic Really Exists and Can it be Reversed?

Often we are faced with this mundane question – Does Black magic exist? The evil eye that people talk about in our real life and the concept of ‘Nazar Lag Gayi’… do all these things exist and if they do is there any cure for Black Magic or evil eye?

We have with us Dr.Taara Malhotra, the occult science and psychic energy specialist who is here to answer candidlyon all these things. She started by telling us how she keeps on getting requests from people who are facing odd and negative things in their life without no fault of theirs.

Most of the people have been sharing their experiences with black magic and saying that they have done almost all type of puja path, spiritual healers, yet their life continues to be miserable. In this blog, Dr.Taara Malhotra will also share how we can safeguard ourselves from Black magic or evil eye.

First we need to understand, what is Black Magic?

“Black magic is directing negative forces and energy in someone’s life to destroy their happiness. It is deliberately or intentionally done by an outsider or even by someone in the family to make your life miserable. But the good news is Black magic can be cured and reversed.

Today, the world is infested with ill-minded people who are extremely jealous of prosperity of others. To block their prosperity and destroy others’ lives, they use all ways and means to achieve the same. I have always believed in the wisdom of our scriptures, Vedas and Dharma… that Karma is very powerful. If you do wrong to others, you will not be spared. But people don’t understand the same and indulge in witchcraft or black magic.”

Black Magic removal by taara malhotra

So, how do you notice black magic? Black magic is not like what you see in movies like finding dead animals in the home or seeing blood spots on victim’s hair or clothes or crack in pictures… these are all dramatic effects. The real black magic can be noticed when the situations in your life go beyond your hope or control.

“I firmly believe that we are divinely protected and even in hopeless situations, the God or the universe supports us but if things continue to go wrong one after another even when you are trying to do your best… that means there is some negative energy at work.

For example, if there are constant arguments in the family and a feeling of dysfunctionality has crept in without anyone doing anything wrong; it’s a reflection of black magic similarly. Similarly, if someone in your family is falling sick regularly or continuously or if he or she’s losing sleep or seeing the dark thought or getting nightmares and getting hallucinations, this is also a sign of black magic.”

Dr.Taara Malhotra feels that Universe always supports the good intentions so if you have noticed black magic or evil eye in your home or in your life or in your loved one’s life; you should continue doing the good deeds and follow some rituals that will reverse the effect of black magic.

Dr. Malhotra helps in removal of black magic and she performs special rituals to eliminate the effect of black magic Removal, evil eye, jinx, psychic attack, bad spirit or if any sorcery is done on a person.

She is a pragmatic spiritual healer with innate powers to perform such rituals. She was also featured on Discovery+ Channel and Amazon Prime in a special program “AnjaanKahaniya” in which she talked about how black magic is created and eliminated from a person’s life. She is India’s first psychic to earn international fame. She is the one you can rely upon to safeguard your family and protect them from any or all kinds of black magic. Her remedies and rituals are permanent that give you long-term results.

Some of her recommendations and rituals include –

  • First of all, do thepoojas and rituals as recommended or guided by a healer or an occult science specialist.
  • As long as the effect of pooja is there, you will stay safe, later the negative energymay come back with propelled force.
  • Most important and surest way to safeguard yourself is to lift up your vibrational frequency through healing modalities
  • Your energy upliftment needs to be done. Black magic and its associated energies work at a very low level. So purify yourself first. How to do that?? Purify your aura and neural energy by doing pranayama, fasting someday, eating very satvik food, and by avoiding alcohol and meat. If that is done for a week then your energy field gets purified.
  • Second step is to please your family deity. Everyone has an ancestral family deity whom they worship and look up to. Feed the poor and hungry with a Prayer to your family deity to protect your family. Do that once in six months.
  • Next step is to involve yourself in some powerful prayer that uplifts you and makes you potent enough to fight such evil influences. A prayer that can strengthen your will power and shield your aura from vibrational influences. But the prayer needs to be done early hours of dawn after taking bath in your pooja room.
  • Best and most powerful prayer on earth is to chant the Gayatri mantra 108 times daily. No force on this planet can harm you and your family, rest assured.

Do this for 40 days and let Dr Taara Malhotra know if it helps or not. You can connect with her directly on her Instagram or website and ask her customized questions also related to your life. You can connect with her on phone also – 9873456004

Read Also:-

You can connect with Dr. Taara Malhotra via her websit or through her official Instagram handle @taaramalhotraofficial and ask her questions and issues that you wish to heal. Tarot Card reading is very useful when you are stuck or have doubts about a prominent situation in your life, as Dr. Taara Malhotra will explain to us. Readers of Tarot cards in India gain insight into past, present, and future using this technique.

Connect Us on Whatsapp- Dr. Taara Malhotra- 9873456004 

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